"Oay, who see my hi-tech pen..?" I asked all residents of boarding. It sounds redundant, because only a pen is missing. But for me it is very valuable pen. The pen is the weapon that has always accompanied me in search of knowledge.
I've never felt hard all day because my pen was carried away by my brother to the village. It feels really was really cranky. Moreover, my brain is fixated that the pen can not be replaced by other types of pens. It would, without a pen that I can be very lazy to come to study or seek knowledge privately.
And yesterday I feel the same, lazy to do anything. But Alhamdulillah, my friend has 2 hi-tech pen, so I could borrow one. Slightly diminished my sense of it is difficult. Jaza kallohu khoiro.
But I do not despair, I already know how powerful it was to find my pen, that is, by asking for prayers to Allah through urination. I know this way of my friend when he lost a key. And while there my roomate who lost his wallet, I told him to pray hunger, and he managed to find the missing wallet. So I can say that this is a powerful way, because two of my friends had been practicing and managed to find their lost items.
Well, now it's my turn, after a football game I immediately prayed lavatory. Then I left my problems was, and took a nap until dawn. After morning prayers I do I always do at the dawn of time, then jog, breakfast and sleep until 8. After waking up, I was so minded lazy to go to the office because of the missing pen back in my mind (even though it basically slackers anyway).
Finally I determined to look again. I place it apart cardboard clothes, the same place when I looked yesterday. And it turns out, terereeeng, I saw my favorite hi-tech pen. It feels good to mixed amazed by the incident. This might also perceived by my two friends when they find the missing items. Alhamdulillah. ^ _ ^)/
Therefore, from now on if there are missing items, then do not feel hard. Please submit to Allah by doing prayer with confidence and intent because of his intention. And if keys, wallet, and pen wrote can be found, what about love lost, Right..???
Hhi, lagi iseng-iseng belajar bahasa inggris lewat google translate.